Welcome to the 6 part program that shows you how to remove your doubts about manifestation, release your fears that it's not working and break your cycles of limiting beliefs around what is possible for you to have!
PLUS - experience the incredible power of the BWRT technique first hand!
Make this your REALITY by getting the support you need today!
Is this how you are feeling right now?
Manifesting a cup of coffee is easy... but you struggle with the big things.
Old stories are telling you you're not good enough and don't deserve the success you desire.
Waiting for your manifestations to show up is painful! (and makes you feel like it's not working).
“I see the way you’ve helped me as this. Before I had lost a key. I knew I had the potential to be my best self but I didn’t know how to unlock all the amazingness that was inside me. You found that missing key and allowed me to unlock my talents and become the best me: the me in control of my finances, the me driving and fulfilling an abundant life, the me excited about life and manifesting all the wonderful things there is to offer if we only know to look...”
— Charlotte (Educational Professional)
I cannot recommend Victoria highly enough. The Science of Manifestation Uncovered was AMAZING! We have just reached the end of the 6 weeks and my life has changed incredibly. Friends and family comment on how much I have changed and how positive and energised I am compared to a few months ago. As [she] says herself "There is no such thing as a coincidence" so, if you are reading this, there is a reason. I believe that it is to encourage you to take that step, go work with Victoria and see just how much you can change your life!
- Michelle (UK)
The Science of Manifestation Uncovered is a super powerful course and is full of tools and techniques that will help you to manifest. I loved working with Victoria! I now know what is getting in the way and I now have the tools to manifest more effectively. I would recommend Victoria if you are intrigued about manifesting but you don't quite believe it and if your dreams and goals seem miles away. You will be attracting your desires a lot faster and easier.
- Jenny (UK)
"Definitely take the leap and work with Victoria. She has an amazing array of skillsets and gifts that can really help you. Even after just one BWRT session with Victoria I felt amazing benefits around my Money Mindset. Thank you so much Victoria."
- Ashley (Minnesota, USA)
(If yes, don't worry, you're not alone!)
You desperately want to manifest money but you're worried it's not going to work for you.
You know you are repeating old stories about money and success that are holding you back
Feeling like you're not good enough, not ready and not worthy of the money and success your heart desires
You get the concept of the law of attraction, but you're just not sure how to get REAL results with it.
You're trying to apply the techniques but it's not happening fast enough!
Your friends and family are amazing... but they just don't get manifestation and The Law of Attraction
With 6 on demand masterclasses from Victoria, step by step guides and demonstrations of powerful scientific manifestation techniques never feel stuck or frustrated with manifestation again!
This ON DEMAND course means you can take this at your own pace and make it fit around your schedule.
Learn how to manifest using Science and unlock your true manifesting potential.
Join The Science of Manifestation Uncovered today, and you’ll get instant access to:
Victoria will teach you how to activate The Law of Attraction in your life by uncovering your faulty wiring (what's keeping you out of alignment) and re-wire this to make manifestation EASY.
You get instant access to all the Masterclasses covering: Money Manifestation, Banishing Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt, increasing your self worth, un-locking your manifesting potential and much more!
You'll learn how to break old cycles that have been keeping you small, making you feel unworthy and preventing you from manifesting the BIG things in your life
The masterclasses will show you how to apply the principles directly in your life to manifest everything your heart desires.
This course makes things easy for you to follow and take aligned action.
You get instant access to six step by step guides that you can easily incorporate into your life and start to see rapid changes in the way you manifest!
This course takes a new and innovative perspective on manifestation, backed by Science and Psychology
Victoria explains things in a way that will make sense to you, help you build your understanding of manifestation and crucially your BELIEF in your ability to have everything your heart desires.
Unlock the power of your subconscious mind, program your Reticular Activating system and see the limitless possibilities that exist for you.
The Science of Manifestation Uncovered is a comprehensive 6 Masterclass program to TRANSFORM the way you manifest forever!
In-depth training on everything you need to banish your self doubt and manifest quickly!
Everything you need to make re-writing your limiting beliefs easy!
Learn how to change your neural connections around what you want to manifest using these tools and techniques backed by science!
In just 5 minutes a day this workbook will show you how to re-focus your thinking and shift into alignment with your manifestations
Experience these powerful techniques first hand and get access to the fastest tools for changing your mindset and what you manifest.
Including daily manifestation meditations and hypnosis audios and more!
Over £1200 in value for an amazing price!
Start manifesting your dream life today.
Victoria is an Expert Mindset and Manifestation coach trained in Psychology, Hypnosis and BWR-Technique (a rapidly growing technique to re-wire limiting beliefs fast!)
She specialises in Money Mindset and Manifestation and helps her clients to go from scarcity thinking into an unshakeable abundance mindset.
Victoria started with a 1st class degree in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience and then went on to train in Hypnosis, BWR-Technique, Belief Clearing, Ho'oponopono (to name just a few!) and has just finished writing her first book - 'The Science of Getting Rich: THE fast-track version for the 21st Century'
She works with people from all over the world showing them the power of their minds in transforming their lives!
"Our subconscious mind is our inner Superpower! When you learn to harness that, there isn't a door you can't open!" - Victoria Maskell
"Sign up quick everyone! Victoria is so generous in her information, I have learnt SO MUCH about manifestation and I saw it playing out in my life in ways I didn't know was possible! You [Victoria] always seem to find that missing piece that I can't quite put in place and you listen so well. You've helped me find that missing piece so many times to move forward. Plus I trust you as much as I trust a member of my own family. You'd be foolish not to work with Victoria! If you've been introduced to her you've found a person with real talent in coaching people through whatever it is that's stopping them!"
—Jo Vetter (Life Success Coach).
"If you want results, FAST, I would certainly recommend Victoria!
- Beverley (Peterborough, UK)
"Working with Victoria changed my life and my business!"
- Sarah (London, UK)
"Victoria showed me a whole new world! I was able to start my own business with the right mindset! Thank you for everything."
- Lorena (Digital Creator, Buenos Aires)
No this is the on-demand version of The Science of Manifestation Uncovered. This means that you get instant access to all the masterclasses, workbooks and bonuses and can get started straight away!
This course has been designed with beginners in mind AND those who have already studied The Law of Attraction and it walks you through a comprehensive step by step process.
If you feel like you want to take the process further, then please contact Victoria and she will be happy to help.
We are always here to help! If you have any questions just email victoria@victoriamaskell.com and we will be happy to help
All of the materials will be available to you in Teachable. When you join you will get an email with all your access information. On teachable everything is easy to find and access. You can choose to download the material or watch/use them in teachable - whatever suits you best.
If you have any access problems just email victoria@victoriamaskell.com and we will be able to assist you.
©2022 Victoria Maskell Ltd. https://www.victoriamaskell.com/privacy-policy